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su problem

Subject: su problem
From: Adam Frankel <frankel@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu>
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1992 8:44:40 HST
Small problem here, that I cannot figure out and I was hoping for some help.
I have two SU HS2 on a spitfire.  The problem is that gas is leaking out of
the system, somewhere.  The only time I found a clue was when I lifted the
cylinder in the front carb.  Fuel spurted out of the throat.  Every other
time I examined the car, after smelling fuel, I could not see any signs of
overflow from the float chamber.  The car has a fuel pressure regulator,
although it seems a bit sloppy.  It has the standard fuel pump.  

The other odd thing is that the choke seemed to lose effectiveness at about
the same time.  Any hints would be mucho appreciated, as the problem seems to
be getting worse.

mahalo, (thanks)

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