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advice needed

Subject: advice needed
Date: 16 Nov 1992 12:47:40 -0500 (CDT)
I've been a passive observer of proceedings on the list
for some time now, and I must say that I look forward
to every day's new sending. Now, however, I need MG help,
soooooo ...

The DFW area (my present locale) is about to be hit
by much more stringent pollution controls, and knowing
this, I began some time ago working on my Weber downdraft
setup to meet standards. So far, all has gone well:
Modifications to the intake manifold supplied with the
Weber allowed me to connect the air pump cum gulp value and 
set up the EGR; the catalytic converter is ready to
go on. What I need now, however, is a replacement
for the open-style K&N filter that is presently on
the carb so that I can route preheated air in.

My first thought was to try to modify the air filter 
fitted originally to the Stromberg carb. That idea
did not prove feasible; there just isn't enough space
between carb and master cylinder to fit the original
cleaner off to the side of the carb. Next attempt:
call every Weber distributor that I could locate
and ask for help. What I got was no help at all
(though one person did seem sympathetic and wished
me luck). And so I'm out of ideas, short of building
my own setup from scratch.

Ok, any ideas? The one possibility that I have thought
of is to locate an air cleaner that was fitted to
automobiles sold in the US with original Weber
equipment. The problem is that I cannot for the
life of me locate my Weber book, where there was,
if I remember correclty, a listing of cars that
were originally fitted with Webers. Has anybody
got any such listing? Or any other ideas (short
of from-scratch fabrication)?

Ok, that's it from down here. Hope some bright
soul who has passed this route before can provide
some ideas that I haven't thought of yet ...

Lynn Eubank

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