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Re: Arnolt-Bristol....

To: "S.K. Whiteman" <WHITEMAN%IPFWVM.bitnet@UICVM.UIC.EDU>
Subject: Re: Arnolt-Bristol....
From: Yoshiaki_Ohshima@SPEECH1.CS.CMU.EDU
Date: Tue, 03 Nov 92 11:12:36 EST
I saw the 1954 A-B for the first time a while ago.

I don't know anything about the A-B, but recall I saw it racing
at 10th Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix in July. Caveat for possible
mistakes due to my ignorance!

According to the entry list, it was the car #36 1954 Arnolt-Bristol. 
The driver was a gentleman named Lee Raskin from Brooklandville, MD, 
compteted in "Production under 2 Litres" category. I don't know why
I remember it. Maybe it ran very well (but didn't beat the fastest
Giulietta) or it looked very unique..., something like that.

This category was competed among 28 cars including Alfas (Giuliettas
& Veloces), Porsches (356 & Speedster), Deutsch-Bonnet HBR5s, Lotus VI, 
Turner 950Ss, Fiat-Abarth 750s, Bandini Spyder, Peerless GT, Elva Couriers, 
A-B, and Berkeley B-90 (a lovely small car!!). MGA became a separate


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