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Subject: Arnolt-Bristol....
From: "S.K. Whiteman" <WHITEMAN%IPFWVM.bitnet@UICVM.UIC.EDU>
Date: Tue, 03 Nov 92 10:00:00 EST
I don't know if this will be grist for this mill or not, but I've been
interest in the Arnolt-Bristol since I first ran across one in 1964.
The ownership of one of these cars has alluded me to this very day;
but the rumor that I'm presently working on is only a year old. At
any rate I would be interested in any information that I might be
able to get pertaining to this car, its construction, racing
history, technical info, current number in existence, current prices,
existence of a club, parts availability, etc....etc.

        \       /___________________          Sam
         \_____/                   |          IBM Systems Programmer
Chicago/ |                     *   |  O       Indiana University -
    I    |               Ft. Wayne |  H       Purdue University at Fort Wayne
    L    |               1794-1994 |          Fort Wayne, Indiana USA

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