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Looking for a SF area paint

Subject: Looking for a SF area paint
From: Patrick Krejcik <patrick_krejcik@QMAIL.SLAC.STANFORD.EDU>
Date: 8 Oct 92 11:08:58 U
                       Subject:                               Time:10:09 AM
  OFFICE MEMO          Looking for a SF area paint shop       Date:10/8/92
Now that the mechanical restoration of my '66 E-Type is done it is time to
replace whats left of the original paint with something new and shiny. A
precursory check with paint shops in my area, Redwood City CA, that specialize
in restoration work knocked the wind out of my sails with prices starting at
$10k. Some places wouldn't even give a firm quote, their price would be based
on how much work would be needed once it was stripped back to bare metal. Their
sales technique was to make you and your car feel worthless and they would be
doing you a favor by even considering touching your car. Now I know that my Jag
is not full of bondo, nor is their any rust what so ever because I've inspected
all the hollow spaces, so I am not going to give in to their scare tactics. So
far the best price was about $6-7k from Quality Coachworks and that was if I
removed the chrome, rubber and glass. I have a feeling I am also going to have
to do the paint stripping to make this project affordable.
So the question is: what's a reasonable price for a back-to bare-metal paint
job, and anyone got any shop recomendations?
(Note that I carefully avoided asking for suggestions on what color to paint
Cheers and thanks!

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