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Hayward State Brit-Flea market

Subject: Hayward State Brit-Flea market
From: "Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521" <>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 92 11:43:52 PDT
          Sunday (9/27), was the day of the all-brit swap
     meet at Hayward State, and so I made plans to go 
     early & look for a few small odds & ends. 
          I arrived at about 9:30am, and noticed that there
     were already people toting stuff back to their cars, so
     I hurriedly scanned the vendors for tell-tale Sprite
     stuff. Unfortunately there were not very many, and what
     there were were hawking late model stuff. And so
     feeling I hadn't missed anything, I slowed down & took
     another leisurely pass. And then I saw IT.
          I had already once passed the converted mail truck
     from LA, it's pilot resting in a lounge chair and
     casually calling out prices for the various stuff he 
     had laid out. I had already passed him once without 
     seeing IT, but this time IT managed to get my attention. 
     "Daren, here I am", IT whined quietly. "You've been 
     looking for me for a long time, I'm right here". And 
     suddenly I saw IT, hidden behind a box of worn-out 
     mini parts it lay, glowing like the Holy Grail. Kinda 
     the same shape too. "IT" was;

            a Judson blower for an A-Series motor. 

     I dove over it like I was rescuing a drowned child,
     hovering close lest that anyone get the idea I wasn't
     interested. I collected all the parts strewn about,
     complete down to the tiny one-barrell Holley carb. And
     then I saw the best part, the sign that said "$100 obo".
          Luck would have it that TeriAnn would walk up just
     as I was bartering, so now not only do I have the
     blower, but the nickname "wheeler-dealer dstone". I
     managed to beat him down to $80, and he even threw in 
     the oiler diagram as this is the one part it's missing.
     All in all I'd say a Pretty Good Deal. Ha-ha Larry, I
     don't won't *your* cruddy old blower now. Ha-ha,
          Anyway, this is getting long, so I'll tie it up &
     see you locals on Thursday, and request that anyone
     that have any info about setting this up, please reply. 
     This will NOT collect dust. I figure to get about 2 city 
     blocks out of my existing driveline components before I 
     find out which one's the weak link ;-)


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  • Hayward State Brit-Flea market, Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521 <=