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Spitfire 1500 Gearbox Input Bearing Removal

Subject: Spitfire 1500 Gearbox Input Bearing Removal
From: (Brian Totty)
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 92 18:34:51 CDT
        I got myself into a frenzy tearing apart my Spitfire to fix rear
        suspension things.  Next thing I knew, my gearbox was on my
        workbench, and I was trying to tear it down to fix reverse (which I
        lost eons ago).

        I am having trouble removing the clutch input shaft/bearing unit.  My
        Haynes manual suggests (a) knocking the bearing out from the inside
        with a soft metal drift or (b) putting hose clamps on the input shaft
        and somehow use these for leverage.

        I don't have a soft drift and the hose clamp idea doesn't seem to be
        working well.  Anyone have any suggestions for me?  I'm getting very

        Also, why do gears cost so much!?!?!  I'm praying that I don't have
        to replace some of the more pricey ones.  I'm hoping to rebuild this
        for under $300.

                                                        --- Bri

   /                       Brian Totty             o o
  /__  __  o     Department of Computer Science     o  
 /  / /   /          1304 W. Springfield Ave       \_/  "We have corn in
/__/ /   /               Urbana, IL 61801                Massachusetts too!"

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