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Snake Update

Subject: Snake Update
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 92 17:10:37 pdt
While the snake is off the road I'm trying to fix a few of the more
pressing problems so that it will be safe to drive once the wheels are
back on.  The most immediate problem is the turn signal switch.  Since
the switch is the same as used on mid 60's VWs I dug out my generic air
cooled VW maintenance manual and looked through the numerous wiring
diagrams to confirm the workings of the switch itself.  Looks pretty
simple:  the center contact goes directly to the flasher unit and one
wire each goes to each set of side lights.  On the Cobra the hot side of
the flasher goes to the ignition switch so that the turn signals only
work when the ignition is on.  '64 predates the hazard flashers
requirement so that part of the circuit is missing on my car.  Since
nothing seemed to work, I reluctantly removed the steering wheel again
to get access to the innards of the switch.  I say reluctantly because
it requires a puller and the last time I removed it, it was on so tight
I thought I was going to bend the aluminum wheel frame in the process.
In fact, I did manage to get a few nicks in it that time.  But this time
it came off relatively easily, probably because I had put some
anti-seize grease on the spine when I put it on last.  With relief I
confirmed that the switch itself was okay.  Since I'd gone to some
lengths to sand, fill and paint both the switch and hub, I didn't relish
the thought of re-doing this to a new switch.  Right now both are a nice
glossy matching Imron black.

As far as I can tell the switch is just mis-wired.  Since it was removed
for several months that's not too surprising.  Apparently I'd mis-labeled
some wires when I'd removed it.  Only problem is that the connector
types all seem correct.  Guess I'll just have to trace all the wires and
connect things up so they work regardless of the labeling.

Since the wheels are off I decided to clean the 28 years accumulation of
grease and road muck off of the hub splines.  Now they're spotless and
shiny.  I'm not sure what kind of new grease to put on them.  I thought
I saw wheel spine grease advertised in one of the flyers I have laying
around the house but so far I haven't been able to find it again.  Guess
I could use the same anti-seize grease I used on the steering wheel
spline.  Didn't Scott Fisher do a write-up on wire wheel maintenance a
few months back?  Guess I should have saved a copy.

Roland Dudley

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