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non-hardening gasket sealers

Subject: non-hardening gasket sealers
From: (Bruce Carter)
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1992 16:03:01 -0700

I don't know what are the recommended types to use but I have a clue as
to why Bob Schaller recommends the aviation type of RTV. If you have
ever noticed when you open a generic tube of RTV it smells horribly like
vinegar. Well this stuff is very caustic and causes corrosion on lots of
different types of surfaces. When I was in the Navy and worked on
airborne electronic equipment (Fire Control Radar), we had to order
a special type of RTV that did not have this vinegar smell to it. It had
something to do with not only the corrosion it caused but also would
change the impedance (resistance) of a given circuit, as if salt water
corrosion wasn't enough. The caustic RTV is hell on alloys, like
aluminum, and the like almost immediately.

Some of the Chemical Engineers or Metallurgists out there are likely to
give you a much better answer on the why's and what fors. But I think
you get the jist why Bob recommends the aviation grade RTV.

Just my $0.02 for what it's worth.


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