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Min rear subframe

Subject: Min rear subframe
From: (dixon kenner)
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1992 23:56:56 -0400

A question, or request for advice on where to proceed in a current side
project.  (I must use this terminology in terms of the work to be
undertaken, otherwise some might wonder about my devotion to my Land Rover

I have just finished completely dissassembling the rear subframe from my
previous Mini with the intention of putting it into the current Mini.
It took some four hours, some heat required, and two brake lines broken.
One wheel cylinder was completely seized up, the proportioning valve looks
like a lump of rust, but the subframe has only seen two winters with salted
roads so is in pretty good shape.  Getting the brake drum off of one wheel
took much pounding and heat, and when it did come, brought the dead wheel
cylinder with it.

I am going to have the subframe sandblasted and painted with the toughest
stuff I can find.  But for the rest of the parts.  What would be advisable
to do while I have it apart?

Change the adjusters as they seem to be frozen rather solid I guess, repack
the grease in the bearings, but what else?  Would it be a good idea to
upgrade any of the parts with something better?  Adjustable suspension for
example?  Should I dissassemble the swing arms and do anything with them
besides getting new bushings as these seem to be a bit loose?

Thanks & Rgds,


dixon kenner,
FourFold Symmetry, Breckenridge, Quebec, Canada 

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