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Re: removing paint from alloy wheels (summary)

To: Roland Dudley <>
Subject: Re: removing paint from alloy wheels (summary)
From: Scott Fisher <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 92 11:30:52 PDT
    Another alternative is an air brush.  Thanks to Jerry Kaidor for
    suggesting this to me.  You can buy one at a model store for <$20 and it
    comes with a replaceable can of compressed propellant.  I bought a
    little fitting for a couple of bucks that allows me to connect mine to
    my compressor.  Using an air brush is a bit more tedious than a spray
    gun but no worse than a spray can 

Let me go a little farther: an air brush is WORLDS BETTER than a 
spray can for small objects.  Air brushes let you control how
fine a mist you make, what the spray pattern is, and other things,
depending on what kind you get.  Plus you can mix your own paint
in the cup, getting the desired thickness and color.

Air brushes are to spray cans what spray cans are to daubing 
the paint on with the jagged end of a broken twig.

Plus you can always supplement your income by airbrushing
illustrations of seminude figures on the side of van conversions...

--Scott "I know art, but I don't know what I like" Fisher

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