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Redcar rolls again, but my Panhard still doesn't fit !

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: Redcar rolls again, but my Panhard still doesn't fit !
From: "Daren Stone, D2 IE, 5-9521, bpr:237-2322, RN2-C6" <>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 92 09:44:24 PST
     Re: the ongoing saga of my non-fitting panhard.

     Many Thanks to Phil E. who replied with how to make the
     parking brake continue to work w/ the panhard
     installed. Ironically enough, Phil quoted almost
     exactly what the guy @ Winner's Circle said when I
     mentioned the conflict with the parking brake; "It's a
     race car, you dont't NEED a parking brake" Well, yes
     and no. I go racing, but Redcar is and always will be
     maintained as a street car. That's the beauty of it,
     and also why I want my parking brake.
          But back to the non-fitting Panhard; After
     carefully measuring all I could, I got on the phone
     this morning with a tech-supportish guy at Winner's
     Circle who according to whatever info he had on his end
     of the phone, told me the bar should fit my car. But it
          Now, before someone accuses me of trying to
     install it backwards, or upside down or anything, I'll
     tell you yes, I AM the guy who once spent quite a bit
     of time attempting to install a VW generator stand on
     90 degrees from how it should be, but I have learned
     the err in my ways, and I feel reasonably confident in
     saying I know how this thing should go on. And it
     doesn't fit.
          I won't try to ASCII-art it, but I'll try to
     explain it briefly; If the mount is installed using the
     gas-tank mounting bolts as indicated, the bar is then
     about 2" too wide for the car, going right past the
     rear spring mount that it's supposed to bolt to. In
     addition, the mount is supposed to be pre-drilled to
     accept the existing gas-tank mount studs, but on my car
     on of the studs hits the mount nowhere near a hole.
     Inversely, if the bar is bolted to the spring perch and
     then the opposite end attached to the mount, the mount
     must be installed several inches over from where it
     indicates, and NONE of the pre-drilled mounting holes
     line up with the gas-tank mount studs. 
          Any experience with this/sage advice appreciated.
     I'll keep you posted- 


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