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Re: My SU fuel pump is doing the long goodbye.

To: pacdata!dave@uunet.UU.NET (Dave Ambrose)
Subject: Re: My SU fuel pump is doing the long goodbye.
From: (Ralph Merwin)
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 92 18:29:04 PST
Dave Ambrose writes:
>       When it rains,  it pours.  My SU fuel pump is intermittently
> cutting out.  Engine stops producing horsepower shortly therafter.
> The points were replaced about a year ago and I suspect that the
> diaphragm has gotten too stiff to work properly.

Have you tried adjusting the gap (throw) of the points.  They wear,
and sometimes need readjusting.  The manual for your car should tell
about this (my MGA manual did).

>       Rather than going to the hassle of repairing a flakey design,
> is there something else I could fit which will work better?  Are there
> any aftermarket pumps to look for or avoid?

When I had my MGB, it had an after-market electric pump installed in
place of the standard SU pump.  The new pump was connected to the old
plumbing with black rubber hose, which managed to spring a leak every
couple of weeks.  I got quite adept at reaching under the car, slicing
off the unwanted hole, and reconnecting the hose without smelling like
a gas pump.

If you go this route, figure out some way to use metal piping, or at
least get some high preassure rubber hose.


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