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My SU fuel pump is doing the long goodbye.

To: uunet!!british-cars@uunet.UU.NET
Subject: My SU fuel pump is doing the long goodbye.
From: pacdata!dave@uunet.UU.NET (Dave Ambrose)
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 92 16:21:29 PST

        Hello again,

        When it rains,  it pours.  My SU fuel pump is intermittently
cutting out.  Engine stops producing horsepower shortly therafter.
The points were replaced about a year ago and I suspect that the
diaphragm has gotten too stiff to work properly.

        Rather than going to the hassle of repairing a flakey design,
is there something else I could fit which will work better?  Are there
any aftermarket pumps to look for or avoid?

        Thanks for any tips!

        Dave Ambrose

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