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Re: It's Spring!

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: Re: It's Spring!
From: (Robert Jones)
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 92 15:56:58 EST
Gotta love it, 75 and sunny on the 2nd of March and the MG is running better
than ever. (I don't know why, Lord knows I haven't done anything to it
to deserve such luck.)  I've probably put 50 miles on it driving nowhere in
particular the last two days.  I think the B smiled at me this morning
when I opened the garage door and it saw the sunlight and felt the warm
breeze (well, I know I smiled at it when I opened the garage door :-)
Even my housemate who is always threatening to turn the parts car into a
planter wanted a ride in it.

Is it 5 o'clock yet?

On another note, since the car is being so nice to me thought I'd do something
nice for it and fix the cracked dashboard and replace the missing front
valence.  Have any of you tried the plastic dashboard covers that Victoria
British sells for $50?  (MAD you have one of these on your Midget don't you?)
What kind of luck have you folks had with these?  What other solutions are



Roadster rule #22 - when driving to work with the top down and wet hair
expect a tangled mess upon arrival.

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