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It's Spring!

To: ""
Subject: It's Spring!
From: (Larry E. Snyder - - (314)694-3626)
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 92 09:07:26 -0600
The past few days have been unbelievable for the end of 
February/beginning of March in St. Louis. I drove the TR250 to work 
Friday (mainly because my VW Rabbit quit), and by afternoon the 
temperature was 50 degrees so I put the top down for the 55-mile drive 

It was cool, but I'd rather be cold in a top-down Triumph than warm in 
my dilapidated old VW. Anyway, I got a thumbs up from a rich kid in 
Ladue who was driving his folks GMC conversion van. Not just a casual 
thumbs up, but a real enthusiastic one. I guess there's hope even for 
kids in Beamerland.

This morning the temperature was 55, forecast for 80(!) and there was 
the TR250 sitting there, top already down. So off we went! It felt much 
warmer this morning, not cold at all. I live out in the country, and I 
really love the feel of how the air changes as I go up down over hills 
and through valleys. There must be a 15 or 20 degree temperature 

My neck of the woods is perfect LBCland, with curvey, hilly roads with 
very little traffic. I like to zip around corners quickly, even though 
I'm not a real maniac driver. Then I get to pass the occasional tractor 
or cattle truck. What a blast!

On the freeway this morning some guy in a VW Fox wagon almost ran off 
the road craning to get a look at the TR250. 

I'm going to hate going back to the Rabbit....

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