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Re: anti-sway bars

Subject: Re: anti-sway bars
From: Mark J Bradakis <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 93 23:07:50 -0700
Ian scribes:

    The bar was in an AddCo box as foretold.  It's 1 7/8" thick

Is this bar for a large truck?? That is awfully thick!

    The bar is only supposed to resist inward and outward forces (cornering
    forces that want to rotate the wheel off-vertical).

No, the sway bar is meant to resist one wheel going up while the other
goes down.  The links are the way they are to *allow* in and out, fore and
aft movement.  The thing is basically just a big spring, which goes up and
down in its mounts when both wheels go over a bump.  But when you start
to go around a corner, and one wheel wants to go up and the other down, then
the bar resists that motion.  In truth, the wheels stay put and it is the
body roll that the bar is meant to resist, which is why they are called
anti-roll bars.


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