Mini Mania
1895-F Beaver Ruin Road 31 Winsor Street
Norcross, Georgia Milpitas, California
USA 30071 USA 95035
(404) 263-6595 (408) 942 5595
(404) 263 6710 (f) (408) 942 5582 (f)
Don Racine, owner
An American associate of Mini Spares, they have a large supply of Mini parts
and "tuning" parts. - dixon@fourfold.ocunix.on.ca (dixon kenner)
Talk to Pat at the California office and tell 'em Miq sent you. - Miq Millman
At Mini Mania West: (1/93) Unfortunately Pat doesn't work there on any regular
basis anymore, and the folks that are there now are far less
They're still well-stocked and reputable, I just don't sole-source from
them anymore, as the level of customer service has declined in the recent
past. - Daren Stone <DSTONE@SC9.intel.com>