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Re: Assorted Luantic Ramblings

Subject: Re: Assorted Luantic Ramblings
From: Robert.Bownes@East.Sun.COM (Robert Bownes {Professional Services})
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 93 09:42:21 EST
-> How many SOLers have named cars?  Some of ours are named, others just
-> sort of referred to.  My fiancee's 79 Midget is lovingly called "Biscuit"
-> (guess what color the interior is), while my 68 MGB is simply known as
-> "race car".  Me mum had a Renault Dauphine name "Funky Winkerbean", and
-> my Renault R-10 is "Louis".
Well, my TR-6 has been 'lizbeth since about a week after I got her. My race
car is just 'the green car' unless your talking to a friends 2 year old. 
Then it's 'Kermit' because of the colour.

Never named any other cars I've owned, except the british ones.


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