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Re: Assorted Luantic Ramblings

To: (SOL)
Subject: Re: Assorted Luantic Ramblings
From: (T.J. Higgins)
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 93 8:31:53 CST
>  How many SOLers have named cars?  Some of ours are named, others just
>  sort of referred to.  My fiancee's 79 Midget is lovingly called "Biscuit"
>  (guess what color the interior is), while my 68 MGB is simply known as
>  "race car".  Me mum had a Renault Dauphine name "Funky Winkerbean", and
>  my Renault R-10 is "Louis".

My white Sunbeam Alpine is named "Eddie the Eagle," in honour of Eddie
"The Eagle" Edwards, the UK's only Olympic ski jumper (perhaps even 
the UK's only "alpine" sportsman, but I'm not sure of that).  Recall
the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary.  Eddie came in dead last in
every event, and looked terrible in competition, but captured the
attention of the world.  Eddie was prevented by UK Olympic officials
from competing at the '92 Albertville games.  They reasoned that his
poor performances ridiculed the UK.
T.J. Higgins     |   | (205) 730-7922
Intergraph Corp. | Mapping Sciences Division | Huntsville, AL, USA

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