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Re: Ceramic tape on TR6 exhaust

To: (Steve Bender)
Subject: Re: Ceramic tape on TR6 exhaust
From: (Scott Paisley)
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 91 17:41:02 EDT
Steve Bender writes:
 > > Dean_Zywicki%NIHDCRT.BITNET@CU.NIH.GOV writes:

 > > ceramic tape on the headers would shorten the life of the exhaust
 > > system in general.  Has anyone with ceramic headers (on their car :-)
 > > experiance this?

 > Actually, I'd expect just the opposite.  I'd more likely believe that
 > this would heat up your muffler/tailpipe more quickly & thus reduce
 > the time for condensation.

Open mouth, insert foot.  I think from Dean's posting that he was
looking for a way to remove heat from the cockpit of his TR6.  I was
thinking (I know, a bad habit) that the cermic tape would dissipate
the heat, but remembering that cermics are insulators, (but my coffee
cup would disprove this) I now realize that I'm unsure of the result
of the cermic tape.  How would adding ceramic tape make the cockpit
cooler?  Did I misread that part of the posting?  Oh well.  I'm going
home and put food where my foot is.


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