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Re: Puzzle from Joe Lucas

To:, british-cars@hoosier,
Subject: Re: Puzzle from Joe Lucas
From: sybase!barry@Sun.COM (barry klawans)
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 91 11:05:23 PDT
I had this problem on my TR8 a year of so ago, and its easy to fix.  It seems
the blinker relay is triggered by the amount of current flowing through it.
Since your right signal works OK, its not the relay.  I'm assuming from your
description that the left bulbs come on, and then stay on.  If thats the case,
the wiring is fine, and you don't have a serious problem.  Two probable causes:

1) Your left signal bulb is not getting a good ground.  Remove all the left
   bulb/socket holders from the signal assembly, and give them a good cleaning.
   Remember that the ground flows from the bulb holder socket to the recepticle,
   so give that a good cleaning too.

2) (The problem with my car.)  One of your left turn bulbs is old and doesn't
   work as well as it used to.  Try replacing all the bulbs with new ones.  When
   I did that my car went from no blink to a very fast blink.  I finally
   replaced the right side bulbs so they would blink as fast as the left ones.

Good Luck,
Barry Klawans

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