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re: Mufflers

Subject: re: Mufflers
From: (sohl,william h)
Date: 3 Oct 1991 9:16 EDT
>to remove the header and found things were rattling in it. On
>shaking some of it out from the pipe I saw that these were ball'ish
>looking objects and of course black in colour. Does anyone know what
>this stuff? Is it toxic by any chance? If it is what is the proper 
>way of disposing off it? I wouldn`t want rain to make it end up in 
>the drainage system. Another question, how does the muffler/silencer 
>quieten the engine and how do you know when to replace it?
>Is there an easy way to get it unclogged if it is somewhat clogged?

You are probably talking about the catalytic converter, not the muffler.
The catalytic converter is the first device in the exhaust system
after the exhaust manifold.  The muffler is then in line AFTER
the catalytic converter.  If I'm correct so far, then the "pellets"
you see are probably the platinum balls which are a part of the
chemical process that "treats" the exhaust gases to lower the noxious
emmissions level.

Mufflers work on the principal of "damping" the acoustic sound by
having the exhaust run through a set of baffles to smooth out
the air flow which thereby eleiminates the noise.  That's a very
brief, high level, description and I'll leave it to someone else to
fully descrip the muffling effect in more scientific terms.

Bill Sohl   (K2UNK)            ||  email
Bellcore, Morristown, NJ       ||   UUCP    bcr!taichi!whs70
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