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re: Portland All British Field Meet

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: re: Portland All British Field Meet
From: (George Burgesser)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 91 08:31:25 PDT
   I am planning on being there.  Unfortunately I will probably not be taking
either of my LBCs.  I will be judging TR2s and 3s as well as being a tour guide
for the bus tours of PIR.  Just go to the Triump area and ask for me.  If I'm
not in the immediate area, someone at the Portland Triumph Owner's booth should
be able to tell you where I am.

<<forwarded message>>
to: (British Cars)
date:   Fri, 23 Aug 91 8:56:48 PDT
subj:   Portland All British Field Meet
sender: Mike Johnson <>
sent:   08/23/1991 11:00 am (PDT)
---------                                                                    **|
Ok, you left coast guys lets set-up our loose organization for the All
British Field Meet.

Who is coming?  What are you bringing?  Do you have a SOL flag for your
car?  How do we identify you?

                  Mike Johnson

Oh yah ... Yes I will be there.  Lotus '74 Europa TC Green.  Somewhere.
Tall, bearded, and I am affraid getting rather gray.  (Hair that is)

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