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This list

Subject: This list
From: Dale C. Cook <>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 91 09:47:29 EDT
Today (probably late afternoon Eastern time) we will be cutting the
list over to run from utah.  I don't think you all should have to
do anything or notice any difference.  In case one of the paths that
worked from here doesn't from Mark's place, you should send mail
to to report it.  (You will know
you have been dropped if you do not see my "the list has cut over"
message today or tomorrow.  This is step one.

After Mark and I have established that things are working, we'll
advertise the new addresses (you can probably guess :-).  I'll
leave the forwards on Encore for awhile to give everyone time to
update their aliases.  So, to repeat, continue to send postings
to the addresses at while we shake down the change.
Later on we'll be advising you of a new "home" for the list.

They's more sputters in these damn high techkie firms than a
genuine Lucas switch!  :-)

        - Dale

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