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Psychological Warfare

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: Psychological Warfare
From: Roland Dudley <mit-eddie!!cobra@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 90 13:54:44 pdt
For years I've had this picture of my car pasted to a nearby book case
in my office.  It was taken a long time ago just after I bought it when
it was in immaculate condition.  The idea being that if I had this
constant reminder of what it used to look like I would be inspired to
make it look that way again.  Well, it has had some effect, now and then
I do work on this or that but it's been going way too slow, even for a
procrastinator like me.  Suddenly, this morning I hit upon a new
strategy.  I have another picture of the car taken just a few weeks
ago.  I've been keeping this one hidden in a drawer because whenever I
look at it, it gets me all fidgety and guilty feeling.  My new strategy
is to stick up the new picture right next to the old one.  Double wammy:
guilt and inspiration.  This can't possibly fail.

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