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Re: Palo Alto british car meet

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM, mit-eddie!!barry@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Subject: Re: Palo Alto british car meet
From: mit-eddie!!hill@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Rich Hill)
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 90 14:05:44 PDT
I agree with Barry that, while Palo Alto is not exactly a hive of activity,
it is certainly much better than nothing and worth the 10 bucks (especially
considering the prices of "real" events such as a concourse, or Monterey
(I know it's not in the same class)). 
This year's show seemed bigger than last years, cars were much more packed in.
This may be due to the fact that the baseball diamond (dirt) was not used for 
the for sale cars but I still think there were more cars than before.  The 
"tech sessions" were somewhat interesting (once again, better than nothing)
It's good to hear about other people's problems and have instant feedback
from people who seemed to be pretty knowledgable about the subject.
I managed to see quite a few of the SOL cars but not many owners (as was the
case with most people, I think).  It was nice to put cars with names and
a couple names with faces.
Did anyone else stay for the "awards"?  The guy with the tank (OK armoured 
vehicle) was great - he had an answer for every question.  The people that
drove the mini from Chicago definitely looked tired - but after sleeping
in one of those, who wouldn't
All in all, I think it was a great day and will definitely be back next 
year.  Portland sounds like a lot of fun but you can't beat a meet in your
own back yard (well, almost).


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