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Re: Palo Alto

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: Palo Alto
From: Croaker the Physician <mit-eddie!!markl@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 90 12:47:39 PDT
   Date: Tue, 4 Sep 90 11:20:59 PDT
   From: mit-eddie!!hill@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Rich Hill)

   So, who's going to be at the Palo Alto British Car Meet this Sunday?  I'll
   be there with my blue '79 Midget and I'll try to put the SOL identifier in
   the window.  Anybody else???

   Rich Hill

I'll be there.  The Geezer came back from Bonnet Classics on Friday.
They did a nice, albeit somewhat expensive, job on the upholstery and
the body work.  They definitely pay attention to detail; that's both a
feature and a bug :-).

I'll be driving a white with red interior MGA 1600 Mk-II, licence
plate "MG ARGH" (don't ask :-).  I'll try get the SOL emblem printed
and put on the windshield.

See you there,

Mark L. Lambert
Architecture Group, Network Products Division
Oracle Corporation

           UUCP:     ...{hplabs,apple,uunet}!oracle!markl
           USMail:   Oracle Corporation, 400 Oracle Pkwy,
                        Redwood Shores, CA 94065

"The parts falling off this car are of the finest British quality..."

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