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Re: Unisyn or Colortune?

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: Unisyn or Colortune?
From: mit-eddie!!kent@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 90 18:13:52 PDT
They really address two different problems. The UniSyn is good for only
one thing: synchronizing the (air) flow through your carburettors. The
ColorTune helps you set mixture and diagnose what's going on *inside*
your carbs, and perhaps even inside your engine. It will also help you
with tuning at higher RPM, though that's a bit more tricky.

You don't leave a ColorTune plug in place while driving, so one plug is
plenty. You just move that from plug hole to plug hole to set the
different carbs. There's a long black plastic tube, with a mirror at
the end, so you can see the color of the flame in fairly bright
daylight as well as from the other side of the engne bay from the spark
plugs (which is usually important).

I think a UniSyn (or some flow gage) is indispensable -- I wouldn't try
to "match the hiss". You can do a fairly reasonable job of setting the
mixture without a Colortune (by raising the piston and listening to the
engine change), but I find using the Colortune much more satisfying and direct.


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