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Name that garage

To:, autox@cs
Subject: Name that garage
From: ssi!coventry! (Keptin Komrade Dr. Bobwrench III)
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 90 16:03:54 CDT
        The time has come to come up with a formal name for the garage. I spent
most of Friday night and Saturday in there. We have MJB's Fat Chance Garage &
Brewery, Rodger Garnett's SLCFWSC and a couple of other's I can't remember. 
I couldn't come up with anything I really liked so I figured I'd appeal to the
masses for inspiration.  There have been a few suggestions:

        The Orphanage           - Refers to my British cars and orphan 
                                        computer collection.

        The Pits of Insanity    - Naaahhhhh.

        Garage D'jour           - I move entirely too often.

        Bob's Autowerks         - But I don't own a German car....

        The reward for an accepted name will be credit to the originator
on the sign for the wall......


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