Here is an e-mail from the Delorean website. Vin #6172 Was John Mark
Karr's red DeLorean. It is still red and owned by a young lady in FL named
Here is her e-mail:
Vin 2645
Subject Re: [DML] JonBenet Ramsey and DeLoreans???
I'm the one who got his car! Back in August 2002, I bought it from
the bank in Hamilton, AL that repoed it from whoever John Karr sold
it to. I made the trip up there to get it and now it's in Pensacola
with me...still red. I should have been keeping up with this yahoo
group. I just found out tonight when Inside Edition called me and
begged (okay, bribed with money) for me to change my weekend plans so
they can come film it tomorrow morning.
#6172 now known as John Mark Karr's old car
--- In, Colby Knight <jck_dmc12@...> wrote:
> Dave, you beat me to it!
> I'm a news photographer for a television station and spent all day
Thursday in Hamilton, Alabama tracking down folks who knew this guy.
Of all the things they remembered about him (besides him being odd,
different, etc.), they all remembered that car he had with the flip
up doors!
> Everyone I asked couldn't remember what became of the car.
> By the way... rumor in some of the press is that he's making this
up to avoid a prison sentence in Bangkok.
> Colby Knight