Well, as fast as the car "seems" it just failed it's emissions test
with flying colors. After the traditional aside to explain the origin
and makeup of the car, The bricklin started coughing in time to take
the test. Here sre the test results
Hydrocarbons (ppm) 1149 : passing 0800
Carbon Monoxide (%) 9.55 : passing 8.00
I only have a few questions
For those of you familiar, how far outta whack am I. Is this a major
catastrophy or just some tuning issues
If the car is coughing, I would assume that has something to do with
the ignition system. Would running too rich cause coughing? I think
that whatever is causing the coughing will be what is preventing my
grand entry into the hall of Government Approved Polluters. Sure glad I
am not moving to California!