I found some interesting info on the Net after I sent the message below.
First, the vette actuators are very expensive, about 104 per side.
Tanner and all seem to average around 50 -- perhaps we should let the
Vette owners know. The more interesting thing that I found is that they
sell a rebuild kit for 10.00 per unit. It seems that the same part is
always failing, the front seal. The parts and instructions are at
http://www.zip-corvette.com/index.html. I intend on buying two of these
seals and doing the deed -- I will let everyone know whether they work.
>My passenger side actuator needs to be replaced -- while
>my headlights to get them to come up automatically that is the only
>problem that I found. I have about 17 lbs of vacuum everywhere but
>I put a hose on that actuator and sucked, it just flowed freely. I
>that the vacuum parts are from a vette, is that true and if so, are the
>right and left sides different? Thanks, Kim.