Initially, I was disappointed to see how narrow certain sections were...only
because we had brought out my Z06 for the first time in the Slush
series...and left the Elise at home! So, we seemed to be continuing the trend
bringing the wrong horse for the course...
Once I actually drove the course, I have to say that it had very good flow.
As others have said, it required precision, particularly in a car as wide and
"long wheelbased" as the Corvette. Having said that, the only thing to blame
for my result is my own driving, as I became a little too cautious, not
letting the car go enough...I didn't hit a cone on any of my three runs,
didn't even get close :-(
We are fortunate to have Ben design so many of his courses, they're always
interesting and, most importantly, true autocross courses...even when they're
not my favorite!
Mike Wood