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Re: Why not two Championship Series?

To: "Jerry Mouton" <>
Subject: Re: Why not two Championship Series?
From: Glenn Ellingson <>
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 21:16:50 -0700

"Away" to whom? For me, Marina is almost as close as Candlestick or  
GGF. For other people Castle is quite close. And if we have an event  
at Crows Landing... well, there are always a few drops :).

I don't know that we need more trophies -- everyone can already  
compete for 2 trophies each year. And I like the idea that the  
championship series is long enough that missing a couple of events is  
not a large competetive disadvantage; further subdivision would make  
each trophy make more about who can make all the events.

But it does sound reasonable that we should plan to cover expenses.  
If there is a site that is not drawing enough people to cover event  
costs then we could consider taking steps... perhaps higher entry  
fees, although that could further drive down attendance and so might  
not help. Maybe some sort of "encouragement" for attendance? The 10  
(plus) runs are plenty of encouragement for me :), but some other  
ideas might be:

* run mini-schools (aka organized instructional runs) along with the  

* presentations or training opportunities -- e.g. the safety steward  
training, or a "ST[S|X|U] Setup Tricks" talk over the break, or...

* fun supplemental competition -- e.g.
     * a "southern street tire challenge" with a rotating trophy for  
best street tire time @ Marina... or
     * a "king/queen of the Castle" event whereby people issue 1-on-1  
challenges, 1 run takes the crown?
This sort of thing might add a bit of extra spectator fun too :).


-- Glenn

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