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Why not two Championship Series?

To: "Bay_Area_Autocross_List" <>
Subject: Why not two Championship Series?
From: "Jerry Mouton" <>
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 18:52:58 -0700
Sounds like a fun event Sunday.

Just wondering...  Why don't we have *two* Championship
series that would go on at the same time?

One, the "Here" series, would be in the Bay Area: Oakland
Candlestick, and GGF.

The other, the "Away" series, would be held outside:  Marina,
Castle, maybe Crows Landing (if ever).

Two sets of trophies.  Maybe the "Away" series has smaller,
less important trophies or only certificates, to reduce cost.

"Away" series would be more expensive, to cover the lower
attendance and expenses.  Away series would have better
surfaces for Nationals' people, longer courses due to bigger
sites, and more runs, perhaps more fun runs, due to smaller

"Here" series would have convenience, more novices, more attendees
in general.  Because "Away" events would not count against
their scores, many would feel even less compelled to attend them.

Any SCCA member could compete in either or both series.  Schedules
would not conflict.  But some would decide to compete only in one or the 
other series.

Just wondering.  The "here" and "away" events already seem like two 
different kinds of event, whi not make a clean break?  This may also reduce 
overall attendance numbers at home vents, too, not sure.


Jerry Mouton    '64 E Type FHC    "Laissez les bons temps rouler!"

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