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Re: Travel time to "big" events...

Subject: Re: Travel time to "big" events...
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 19:36:07 EST
In a message dated 2/14/2003 11:21:46 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> So assume some idiot decided driving cross country for
> 10 minutes of Autocross would be a nice way to spend
> his tiny allotment of vacation time. 

       Hey ! That's 6 minutes of of autocross time to us faster drivers :)

> How many days should that idiot leave on each end of
> the event for transit time?  Keep in mind the idiot
> would be driving a tiny Toyota with no cruise control
> hauling a trailer covered with tires.
> What about San Diego?  How long a drive is that?

       I take 3 days to Topeka, 1 day (10 hrs) to San Diego, 1.5 days (13 hrs 
to Bremerton, stopover in Portland).

Don Lew

> I happen to know of someone who is at risk of being
> such an idiot, but he'd have to talk to his boss real
> soon to get it all worked out..

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