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RE: Using a small business to help with autoxing/racing events?

To: <>
Subject: RE: Using a small business to help with autoxing/racing events?
From: "Talley, Brooks" <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 16:58:52 -0800
> I was wondering if many do this, and if there are some 
> suggestions on how to 
> structure something like this?  I can see some major car 
> expenses coming my 
> way, but to alleviate the burden if I don't quit my day job 
> as a slacker, 
> heh, then maybe I can run some side business as a distributer 
> of some one off 
> part or service (that would sell itself) to make what I would 
> normally spend 
> on the car less come each year end?  

Other people have wisely pointed out that this isn't really a new idea,
and the IRS is plenty used to it and will probably laugh at you if
you're not reasonable about it.

That said, one strategy that might work -- I'm not a lawyer, CPA, or tax
expert -- would be to approach your employer about taking a reduced
salary in return for the company advertising on your autox car.  Since
each $1 in salary costs the company between $1 and $2, and since
advertising can be written off, this may be a mutually beneficial

 Of course, to be viable, the company would have to have a reasonable
expectation of getting some return from that advertising (I'd expect the
IRS to be skeptical if "Environmental Electric Scooters" was sponsoring
a car).  Also, I'm sure it would be unreasonable to reduce a $90K/year
salary to $15K/year and take $75K in "advertising."  But if the amounts
were reasonable, it seems to me that it might work out.

It's just a thought -- not something I'm doing or advocate doing.  

Of course, the real answer here is to talk to a knowledgeable CPA-type
who can give you real professional advice about how to do this properly.
Email me off-list if you'd like a recommendation for an accountant who
I've found to be creative-within-the-rules.


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