-------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------
Message text written by Paul S
I am going to assume that you are referring to the
police training site as too small and not Moffett
Field? I can't imagine anything small about Moffett.
Just trying to keep up with the thread,
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Despite all the apparent space, Moffett is not exactly "big" unless you
could use the main runway.
The area around Hangar No. 1 looks terrific until you see all the cyclone
There is a better site in front of Hangars 2 and 3 but even that is not as
big as Candlestick or even GGF.
I'm curious where the New Dimension people held their event. I
understand it was limited to 100 cars. We'd pull closer to 300 at Moffett,
thus parking is a concern.
--John Kelly