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RE: Lotus

To: "'John F. Kelly Jr.'" <>,
Subject: RE: Lotus
From: "Michael R. Clements" <>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 09:09:28 -0700
Does a 3,000 lb. Ferrari actually outcorner a 1,500 lb. Elise? I'll bet
the Elise actually runs circles around any Ferrari on a tight course...

Most magazines have a strongly pro-Ferrari bias. I've driven Ferraris
owned by a couple friends of mine and was underwhelmed. They were nice
cars, with handling and acceleration similar to a 3rd generation RX-7.
All the hype from everything I'd read about Ferraris had me expecting

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of John F. Kelly Jr.
> Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 08:39
> To: John F. Kelly Jr.; John J. Stimson-III
> Cc: BayArea Team.Net
> Subject: Re: Lotus
> -------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------
> Message text written by "John J. Stimson-III"
> "The Esprit certainly is not.  However, the Elise and its 
> variants sold by Lotus can only be registered for the street 
> by dodging around the laws.  I guess that is what Scot 
> probably meant. "
> -------------------- End Original Message --------------------
> I think you're correct. But a "gray market" I'm more familar 
> with concerns cameras purchased overseas and for which the 
> manufacturer will not honor any warranties.
> In the Elise's case, the sale is direct from the 
> manufacturer. Their web page is pretty specific that you 
> can't drive it on the street. Oh, BTW, did you see the June 
> issue of Road & Track which ranks the Elise second only to a 
> Ferrari as a good handling car? 
> --John Kelly

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