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Re: Accident Reports

Subject: Re: Accident Reports
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 01:02:22 EDT
Dennis Hale re-invents history (his specialty) thusly:

> Are you serious? Have you paid attention? 
> Mr Davis tossed me off his committee in January 1993
> without so much as a sorry. Actually he moved the
> meeting site and eliminated anyone who didn't show up
> to the new site. He only invited those he wanted. This
> included two of the four past chiefs still on the
> committee. Works out to the same thing as being tossed
> off. 
> He then changed the rules of engagement to prevent me
> from ever returning to the committee. The whole sound
> genocide thing, but without the impossible 50%
> participation requirement, one cannot belong and
> change the rules back to where they were. Catch 22.
> Cute. 
> Then he demanded that I be kicked out of SCCA. The
> statement that Willows is safe as whitebread in
> comparison to Stockton was offensive and enough to
> demand unprecedented action, but his use of slut is
> clever. He never felt as strongly when his buddy Paul
> Foster threatened Karen Bernstein over a work group
> order, but I get the full treatment. 
> Reasons were never given. 
> Your meetings are not open as you think.
> Our common interests remain aside from Mr's Davis,
> McKenna and Hale. Most of our participants don't care
> about the politics and organization stuff, they just
> want to play and play safely. They will pick and chose
> events as fits their real life timetables. I don't see

1)  I wasn't Chief in '93
2)  The Chief can't kick people off the committee, and I certainly can't by 
3)  The meeting location was moved, and publicized.  Dennis could attend any 
meeting he wanted to.
4)  No one was "eliminated."
5)  There are no "invitations."
6)  I have never changed the "rules of engagement."
7)  The sound policy is enforced fairly.  Dennis has chosen not to respond 
responsibly to it.
8)  Do you want people making SFR Solo 2 decisions who don't participate in 
at least 1/2 of the events?
9)  I'm not alone in thinking Dennis should not continue to be a member of a 
club that he regularly and vehemently attacks.  Demanded?  No, I neverdid 
10) I'll let Stockton and the numerous thefts of everything from tools to 
wheels and tires to entire racing teams at Stockton stand on their own merit.
11) I didn't see or hear the Foster vs. Bernstein match, and have never felt 
qualified to comment on the "he said/she said" of that exchange.  and it's 
ancient history.
12) Meetings are open to any SCCA member.  At your 4th meeting you can 
petition to become a member.  The Steering Committee then votes to accept or 

Any other questions?


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