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Re: OSP Next year?x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"

To: "Talley, Brooks" <>,
Subject: Re: OSP Next year?x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"
From: David & Candy Pina <>
Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2001 06:33:04 +0000
My apologies to you Brook and the list. My joke response didn't seem
funny like I intended, when I read it on the list. Yes, cars that you
can almost fit in the back of a pickup truck are very competitive on an
auto cross course, witness the Kelly's Lotus or the Toyota Starlets.
Some of the courses we've run I've wondered how you people get those
"beasts" through as fast as you do. Some of the gates seem narrow to me
in my little car.
What I really enjoy about my car is that it has about one h.p. per 12.5
lbs, so it can get up and go pretty good. It is deceivingly quick.
Hopefully by next January, it will be quicker if I can get some things
worked out.
Daniel, my son who drives my car also, did comment that is so much
easier when you don't have to change tires to race , then change back to
go home. Plus, I usually bring it and take it, as it stays at my house.
David Pina
The old guy in the EP Datsun roadster

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