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Yet Another Question re: RX-7s, this time.

Subject: Yet Another Question re: RX-7s, this time.
From: Russ Bowlus <>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 14:56:53 -0700 (PDT)
Thanks for the replies regarding Lotus/Caterham 7s...I
don't think I'll be buying one quite yet, but the info
was good.

Next question: what needs to be changed/adjusted on a
stock 6-port 13B to provide a more-or-less bulletproof
9500 rpm redline?

Pulleys, I would assume.  Apex seals?  Water pump? 
Air pump?  Fuel pump?

Thanks again, in advance. :)

Providing endless entertainment,
Russ "I'm only 5 seconds slower than the FP 914s on a
60 second course" B.
84 RX-7 GSL-SE F(un)P #69

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