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RE: Group (Un)Think

Subject: RE: Group (Un)Think
From: "Kevin Stevens" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 14:23:08 PDT
>Keith Hearn writes...
> >Until you know the basics, not thinking will just
> >cause problems.
>The idea is there is a method to learn the basics, one where your conscious 
>mind is quiet. This will allow your subconsious mind to absorb the basics.  
>The basics are important, yes, but
>learning them is analogous to a two-year old learning how to walk. There's 
>a lot of clumsiness and awkwardness, much like running over a wall of 
>cones, or spinning out, or taking a funky line.  You make mistakes, but 
>your critic is going to remain quiet as your subconscience pulls it all 
>together. It sets the goals, but then it gets out of the way. This isn't 
>supposed to be painful. Why, when you're just
>beginning, that's one of the most fun times. Even if you do spin out, hit 
>ten cones, drive off the course, enjoy the sensations! This is not a final 
>examination. Even the divisional coming up is just another opportunity to 
>fall down, and get back up again.

Y'know, I would have sworn that I spoke to both Katie and Keith yesterday, 
so it's surprising to find that we're on such completely divergent 


More data!  Must have more data for analysis.  Input!  Input!!

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