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RE: Group (Un)Think

To: "'James Creasy'" <>,
Subject: RE: Group (Un)Think
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 12:16:51 -0700
James Creasy writes...

>i really expected katie to be seconds faster.  and so >i thought, maybe it
IS possible to beat her...

That's weird in a sorta cool way. I thought I'd be seconds behind YOU. Looks
like we were BOTH pleasantly surprised.

120-something pound weaklings CAN drive Cobras! 

There was even this other girl there, much more skinny than I am, driving
Bruce Camberns (sp?) REAL Cobra, complete with chassis-flex. I'd never seen
her before, so I'm assuming she's pretty new. It looked like she was going
to rip her shoulders out of her sockets, YET she was totally hanging on, and
TOTALLY not afraid to use the gas. I was REALLY impressed.



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