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Re: McKamey School was: what a great school

Subject: Re: McKamey School was: what a great school
From: Rich Urschel <>
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 23:52:20 -0400
Kenneth Allan Mitchell wrote:

> Rich:
> What am I suppose to retract? I didn't call anyone a name or slammed
> anyone. There's nothing to retract. Was I not suppose to say anything
> about this? Was this something that the Steering Committee wasn't
> suppose be let known? I don't understand what I am suppose to retract.
> You weren't clear in what I am suppose to retract.
> I don't remember if it was in 98 or 99, I think it was in 98 that a
> Steering Committee member told Jean that the SFR Solo II Steering
> Committee was not interested in hosting the McKamey school in the Bay
> Area. I know who was the committee member that spoke with Jean but
> there's no need to mention that person's name.
> Rich I am not speaking for the Steering Committee, Sac Chapter, etc.
> Again, just commenting on the true facts that occurred.

I was asking you to retract your conclusion:

> > > So, no there will not be a McKamey school in the Bay Area... anytime
> > > soon and thats too bad.

I don't care who said what one or two years ago. The committee
can turn on a dime for a good idea that doesn't require it's
members to do all the work involved. Let it play out. We're in
a period of high enthusiasm with quite a few new people stepping
up to help out. SFR is a different place this year with a ton of
people having fun.

Rich Urschel

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