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McKamey School was: what a great school

Subject: McKamey School was: what a great school
From: Rich Urschel <>
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 19:14:03 -0400
Kenneth Allan Mitchell wrote:

> So, no there will not be a McKamey school in the Bay Area... anytime
> soon and thats too bad.

Could you unknot your fingers long enough to
retract that statement unless you are speaking
on behalf of the McKamey/Evolution schools?

This year the Steering Committee adopted a renewed
intent to help drivers who want to learn. I personally
rode with six students yesterday (god help 'em) and
there were at least four or five other volunteer
instructors doing like wise. Andy McKee is heading
up the program.

Let's try ignoring hearsay and try talking. Most of
what I hear from the Chapters about the Steering
Committee is simply not accurate, and vice versa.

The biggest problem with any event in the Bay
Area is finding and holding onto a site. I don't think
the committee would vote against a school if enough people were behind it in
order to make it happen.

It could be a great winter event. Want to teach in
the rain at 3Com?
Rich Urschel

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