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Re: what a great school

Subject: Re: what a great school
From: Kenneth Allan Mitchell <>
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 18:03:41 -0700

As you are aware I am one of the McKamey/Evolution Performance Driving
School Instructors. I was told that Jean Kinser talked to someone on the
SFR Solo II Steering committee, I believe last year or the year before,
regarding having a school in the Bay Area in addition to the school
hosted by AAS in Sacramento. Jean was told no, the school is not
necessary because SFR has their own school and did not need the McKamey

So, no there will not be a McKamey school in the Bay Area in anytime
soon and thats too bad. 

There is no doubt that the school in the Bay Area would be well attended
without any harm to the school in Sacramento. There's usually a long
list of people on the stand-by list to hold a 3-4 day Phase 1 school.

Kevin Stevens wrote:
> >Anyway, watching all of this school action made me a bit jealous --
> >I'd like to have another chance to spend all day messing around with the
> >car on simple exercizes, trying to get better.  Is there any chance that
> >SFR SCCA could sponsor the McKamey/Evolution school
> >someplace in the Bay Area?
> Not this year, their schedule is set certainly until after Nationals.
> AAS has sponsored the McKamey Schools at Mather for the past three/four
> years, usually in March.
> KeS
> ________________________________________________________________________

Kenneth Allan Mitchell

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