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Re: Slow Courses On Big Sites Is Not Fun!

To: <>
Subject: Re: Slow Courses On Big Sites Is Not Fun!
From: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 07:57:50 -0400
----- Original Message -----
> that courses at
> national events have been getting too tight and gimmicky to the point of
> becoming painful to run. 05 Toledo Tour and Oscoda Pro being the most
> dis-cussed (pun intended). This came to a head IMHO at Oscoda where a
> of competitors joined together and filed a protest against the course
> design.
We actually had the exact opposite occur at a Divisional event this past
weekend here in the Midwest Division.  Two competitors, placing 1st & 2nd in
their class by 2 seconds after Day One of the event, paid money and filed a
protest on Day Two's course design.  Apparently they thought the course
wasn't "tight and gimmicky" enough.

(BTW, those were the ONLY complaints heard about the course all weekend and
the '97 Miata I was driving never hit the rev limiter in 2nd gear.)

Eh, sometimes you just can't win.

Eric (Yes, I look like a Shriner in a Miata.)

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