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RE: Barrett-Jackson, 2025

To: <autox@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: RE: Barrett-Jackson, 2025
From: "Eric Salem" <>
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 00:07:09 -0600
And let's not forget that the price of these cars is not a function of
supply... It's a function of demand. An asset is only worth what a buyer is
willing AND able to pay.

It's a boom bust cycle. Basically the price of these cars track the growth
of the economy, almost in lock step. Ages and generations have nothing to do
with it. But it does sound good on TV. The guy that bought that $3m Olds is
32 years old.

A minimal amount a research may indicate that IF there were some wonderful
cars made in the '80's (a big if) then those teens that lusted after them
will be buying them between now and 2015. I'm in that generation. (There was
nothing made in the 80's made any of us would want, save the RX7, 512bbti
and 930.)

Not that anybody wrote his MA theses on this specific topic. 'Demand
elasticity of exotic cars, a survey'. 

Were it me, saving a car for the ages -- I'd get one ACR Neon from each year
of the first generation. Store them. Yes you laugh now, but in 2040 they
won't be cheap.


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